Güera Romo

Güera has many years of experience in business transformation in the engineering, defense, government, banking and telecommunication industries. She has experience in mergers & acquisition, rightsizing, re-deployment of personnel, business process re-engineering, system selection and implementation. Güera holds a BCom Hon (Industrial and Organizational Psychology) degree and is currently pursuing a doctorate that draws on her practical experience of developing human resource capabilities within large corporations.

Articles by This Author

Who owns Risk?

An interesting article from CFO.com.In my limited exposure to risk management organisation design I have never encountered risk being owned by the CFO....

RA taking on IP revenue assurance

I was speaking with fellow colleagues on the topic of IP services and the implication it has for the Revenue Assurance Department. There was...

RA as an example of collaborative networking

In August 2000, Peter Drucker made a startling prophesy: “The corporation as we know it is unlikely to survive the next 20 years”. Legally...

Parallel [learning] structure

I am working on a book chapter in an upcoming academic publication on disruptive technologies.  My focus is on the human capability impacts that...

A tweet of a definition

Michael Badawy published a definition of technology management in an academic journal and referred to it as “A tweet and two characters”.  His objective...

RA – Interdisciplinary bleeding

The number of related theories that might be applicable to solving my RA research question struck me this week as too numerous at this...


I came across the term crowdsourcing and wondered how we get to come up with new concepts at the speed of white light. Throw...

An academic review of Revenue Assurance

The long awaited moment arrived. The study (phase 1 I have to add) was completed and submitted to the University of Johannesburg for examination....

Undisciplined Theory

I collected books from the university library a few weeks back and picked up a book from my list of references on the topic...

Is this the wrong question?

I was speaking to the new Revenue Assurance manager at a previous employer and was thrilled to hear my friend took over that department....

Performance Management

Many years ago I was contracted to do process re-engineering at a government department. Somewhere during this time I became involved in an ISO...

Strength of an Argument

As part of the literature review for the RA research dissertation, I contrasted the definition, objectives and approach to RA, mainly using the work...

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